Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

26 Jun 2020: Community, compassion and gratitude are integral elements of the EHS ethos.  It is with these qualities in mind that we hold our annual...

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26 Jun 2020: This week we have celebrated the fact that all of our year groups have now been welcomed back to school.  With staggered lunch and arrival...

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26 Jun 2020: In the two weeks following half term, the Year 9 students worked on colour projects in their science lessons. The girls were tasked with...

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26 Jun 2020: Despite lockdown restrictions, our cricketers have still been busy training.  Here is an overview of three of our cricketers, how they...

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26 Jun 2020: Just a brief update that Daisy Edge, our resident peahen, continues to incubate her eggs in the EHS Rose Garden.  You can continue to monitor...

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19 Jun 2020: The final rounds of this year’s House Bake Off competition took place at the end of last week, with entries from Years 11 and 12, the new...

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19 Jun 2020: This week we began by wishing Her Majesty the Queen a belated happy official birthday.  We shared details of why the Queen has two birthdays...

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19 Jun 2020: See everything Edgbaston High School has to offer from the comfort of your own home, whether you are looking for a place in Westbourne...

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19 Jun 2020: We were delighted to welcome back some of our Year 4, 5, 10 and Sixth Form students this week.  It was clear from the moment that the girls...

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19 Jun 2020: In a slightly different format this year, the new Sixth Form Committee has been finalised this week.  Girls in Year 12 were encouraged...

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19 Jun 2020: You may be aware from last week's Fridays Headlines, that we have a peahen that is nesting eggs in our rose garden. She has been affectionately...

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19 Jun 2020: Year 7 have been producing some superb work in their Drama lessons.  Their latest task has been to make a Shoebox Theatre, featuring scenes...

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19 Jun 2020: Year 6 girls have been testing out their ICT skills this week by using the Google Logo starter project on Scratch. Their task was to...

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19 Jun 2020: In the Summer Term, the students in Year 3 traditionally spend a whole day creating a work of art in the style of Claude Monet.  This year...

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12 Jun 2020: This week is traditionally House Bake-Off and we haven’t let the lockdown stop us! In fact, quite the opposite, we’ve made it the theme...

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12 Jun 2020: This week began with an assembly to mark World Ocean Day celebrated worldwide on June 8.  The girls had already completed much research...

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12 Jun 2020: The Great British Sewing Bee is an inspirational programme for budding designers and makers. Some of our Year 8 students took on a ‘reuse’...

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12 Jun 2020: EHS has been treated to it's very own version of Springwatch this week. Students, staff and regular visitors to school are already well-acquainted...

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12 Jun 2020: Mrs Macro enjoyed her excellence book meeting with Year 11 students, Iram Hamid and Safa Chishti, in which she learned of their superb...

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12 Jun 2020: Girls in Reception are continuing with their topic about animal for this term.  Last week they took part in an animal quiz and girls,...

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05 Jun 2020: This week, we welcomed everyone ‘back’ to the second half of the Summer Term. We were also delighted to welcome certain year groups back...

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05 Jun 2020: We hope that everyone enjoyed the half term break. It is nice to be back to some routine and also to have welcomed back some of our girls...

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05 Jun 2020: The Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for young people aged 5 - 19 years, taking place both online and on-site...

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05 Jun 2020: During the month of May, pupils and staff have been participating in the ‘100km in May’ House Challenge.  All pupils that took part in...

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05 Jun 2020: During the half term, Miss Welsh shaved her head to raise funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity. This is in solidarity with...

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05 Jun 2020: See everything Edgbaston High School has to offer from the comfort of your own home, whether you are looking for a place in Westbourne...

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: By Iram I would like to share my achievement of achieving the pledge of £1000 which I made with my friend in September. We decided to...

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: After the success of our 100km in May challenge last year, we are back for another month long challenge.  The challenge is open for all...

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: The girls in Nursery have spent a royal week with activities based on ‘The Queen of Hearts’ rhyme.  They began the week with an assembly...

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: Our Year 13 Leadership Team got this week off to a great start with two important messages in their assembly: Kindness Counts and Gratitude...

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: Year 2 girls were certainly filled with the joys of spring this week as everyone returned to learning in the classroom. They also focused...

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: ART Monica Liao (8G) For her superb drawing of a pumpkin. Monica researched her own...

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: Finding the time to help your children get organised to study and revise isn’t always easy. So to ease the burden, we’ve teamed up with...

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: It's always fascinating to find out what former pupils go on to do and as a school, we're always keen to raise awareness of the sorts of...

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: Since GDPR regulations came into effect, we are unable to initiate contact with Old Girls without prior consent. As such, if you know of...

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: To mark the end of their University Preparation Week, Year 13 students were treated to an Afternoon Tea in school on Friday afternoon. Students...

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: As the Year 6 Prep girls did not travel to France this year, we decided to give them a flavour of France in school. They took part in...

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