
Pastoral care, building confidence and resilience

Every day your daughter is with us, she will benefit from exceptional levels of support, care and advice. We ensure she is happy and confident in her academic studies, and give her all the personal guidance she needs for life beyond EHS. We encourage her to develop her talents in the widest sense, and place great emphasis on raising self-esteem and self-reliance.

As well as specialist subject teachers, your child has a form tutor who works closely with her, helping her build on her strengths and interests, and monitoring her progress. We want her to take responsibility for her own learning, and to see the value in all her achievements.

Open communication with parents is a vital part of our pastoral care throughout the school years. You can attend pastoral clinics, a forum for discussing any aspect of your daughter's school life with the Pastoral Deputy Head or a senior member of the Pastoral Team. Our sense of community is equally important, and we promote this through measures such as having Sixth Form students mentoring younger girls and involving pupils in EHS decision-making through the School Council.

Of course, your child’s physical welfare is also our concern. The two school nurses - one for the Prep School and one for the Senior School - are on-site daily and work very closely with the pastoral team.

"Pupils in all year groups have an excellent standard of personal development and this is strongly supported by excellent pastoral care... Relationships amongst pupils and between teacher and pupil are a real strength of the school, ensuring an excellent level of communication which supports and encourages every pupil."

Independent Schools Inspectorate Report, 2015

Senior School Headlines

Battle of the Bands at the House Gala

10 Jan 2025: Houses are a key part of life at EHS and friendly competition between the houses is ongoing. However, when the Christmas House Gala comes around, this intensifies....

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Exploring Visual Communications at BCU

10 Jan 2025: In December, Year 11 and 12 Art and Design students attended an 'Explore Visual Communications' event at Birmingham City University's Faculty of Arts, Design...

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Practical Oscillations for Year 11 Physics

10 Jan 2025: Just before the Christmas holidays, Year 11 girls interested in taking A Level Physics joined an engaging twilight session on oscillations, alongside three...

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Head's End of Term Message

13 Dec 2024: It has been a wonderfully busy and energetic few weeks; there has been much singing and dancing, fantastic musical and theatrical performances, sporting success,...

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