Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

27 May 2022: This week, Westbourne started with thinking about people who help us, in particular, the police. We thought about all the things they do...

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27 May 2022: On Tuesday 24 May, the Prep School Eco Reps began EHS’s celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee at the school allotment.  Our...

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27 May 2022: EHS students were proud to serve as lifeguards at the Commonwealth Games 'Prep the Pool' test event last weekend at Sandwell Aquatics Centre. They...

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27 May 2022: The long-awaited return of ‘Diva Night’ is now upon us and tickets for this event will be going on sale following the half term holidays....

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27 May 2022: Year 8 pupil Tiffany has gone from strength to strength in her achievements in swimming inside and outside of school. Tiffany recently...

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27 May 2022: This week, Year 7 went on the highly-anticipated Latin trip to the Chedworth Roman Villa and the Corinium Museum in Cirencester, arranged...

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27 May 2022: With the recent departure of Year 13, the Sixth Form Committee for the year 2022-23 have officially taken up their positions. These students play...

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27 May 2022: In addition to their regular curriculum lessons, there has been much extension of classroom studies this week. The allotment received...

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27 May 2022: This week the girls in Westbourne have enjoyed an ‘out of this world’ experience in the Discovery Den where the theme has been all about...

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20 May 2022: With internal examinations in full flow school has been especially quiet this week, made all the more noticeable now that Year 13 are on...

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20 May 2022: This week we welcomed back our Year 6 from their adventure at Boreatton Park which you can read more about in the additional article. They...

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20 May 2022: After Year 4 and Year 5 came back buzzing from their residential trips, it was the turn of Year 6 last week to visit Boreatton Park in...

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20 May 2022: Girls and staff from Nursery through to Reception took part in a day visit from Animals in Hands this week.  Mo, the animal keeper encouraged...

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20 May 2022: After beginning the week with examinations and tempted by the warm afternoon sunshine, pupils in Year 7 needed no encouragement to take...

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20 May 2022: In the Discovery Den this week the girls have been able to travel to other countries round the world with stops at China, Australia, Spain...

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20 May 2022: Jashvita in Year 1 loves dogs and has wanted to be a vet since she was three years old. Each year at Christmas she has donated shoeboxes...

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20 May 2022: Year 7 pupil Aurelia recently competed at the annual West Midlands Regional Grade 2 Championships. The competition took place at Cannock...

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20 May 2022: This Friday, students have been encouraged to get baking as we saw the launch of the House Bake Off. Held in honour of Her Majesty the...

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19 May 2022: We're looking forward to the OGA Summer Lunch and we'd love for you to join us. Held on Saturday 11 June and hosted by Co-Chairs Anne...

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13 May 2022: After an incredible two years including a global pandemic, multiple lockdowns, virtual school, classroom bubbles and a plethora of tears,...

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13 May 2022: People, Place and Sport is a celebration of local grassroots sports in the West Midlands by artist and photographer Jaskirt Boora. Funded...

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13 May 2022: It has been so good to see our residential trips reinstated this year. Having welcomed Year 5 back from Boreatton Park on Friday we waved...

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13 May 2022: In Nursery this week the study of squares and cubes has given the girls much to think about.  They have created collage pictures to consider...

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13 May 2022: During her final week in school before embarking on study leave with the rest of Year 13, Martineau Music scholar Caitlin Kisumba joined...

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13 May 2022: Well done to Year 11 pupil Amelia Slater who has been selected to join Warwickshire County Cricket Club U18 Girls squad. She’s been playing...

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13 May 2022: Year 5 happily boarded the coach for Shropshire last Tuesday morning following the Bank Holiday weekend. Our residential was something...

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13 May 2022: It was with excitement and a little trepidation that the EHS U15 team of cricketers set off to Edgbaston Cricket Ground on Monday to compete...

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13 May 2022: This week in the Discovery Den girls in Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception have been thinking about where their food comes from.  There...

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13 May 2022: The countdown to the Commonwealth Games is officially on and with just 76 days to go until the games begin, it’s not just the participating...

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13 May 2022: The girls in Prep were inspired by Astronaut Day to consider the mixed emotions you might feel by being the first person to experience...

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13 May 2022: Year 13 have enjoyed their final week in school before they head off on Study Leave before their A Level Examinations begin. As is customary,...

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06 May 2022: On Wednesday 27 April, pupils in Years 7 and 8 took part in the UKMT Junior Mathematical Challenge. This gave them the opportunity to solve...

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06 May 2022: Our Discovery Den this week featured growing from seed to plant to the food we eat. We looked at different seeds and every day fruits with...

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06 May 2022: Last term, charity representatives for each form had a meeting with a very special visitor, our very own sponsored Guide Dog puppy Mojo....

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06 May 2022: This week started with great excitement as Year 5 arrived at school complete with suitcases ready for their residential week ahead. It...

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06 May 2022: Shortly after lunchtime on Monday 25 April, 49 eager (and slightly nervous) Year 4 girls left for a two-night stay in Shropshire. We arrived...

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06 May 2022: The girls in Prep are keen to hear about any major sporting events taking place across the globe and we began our interest in the Commonwealth...

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06 May 2022: We were treated to an incredible display of talent at the Art department’s Showcase this morning. A display of artwork on easels was complemented...

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06 May 2022: Good luck to the U15 Cricket Team who will be competing in the Girls’ U15 Schools Indoor Regional Finals at Edgbaston Cricket ground on...

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05 May 2022: There's still time to book for our forthcoming OGA Open House event on Saturday 21 May from 1.00-3.00pm but be quick - bookings close on...

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: By Iram I would like to share my achievement of achieving the pledge of £1000 which I made with my friend in September. We decided to...

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: After the success of our 100km in May challenge last year, we are back for another month long challenge.  The challenge is open for all...

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: The girls in Nursery have spent a royal week with activities based on ‘The Queen of Hearts’ rhyme.  They began the week with an assembly...

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: Our Year 13 Leadership Team got this week off to a great start with two important messages in their assembly: Kindness Counts and Gratitude...

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: Year 2 girls were certainly filled with the joys of spring this week as everyone returned to learning in the classroom. They also focused...

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: ART Monica Liao (8G) For her superb drawing of a pumpkin. Monica researched her own...

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: Finding the time to help your children get organised to study and revise isn’t always easy. So to ease the burden, we’ve teamed up with...

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: It's always fascinating to find out what former pupils go on to do and as a school, we're always keen to raise awareness of the sorts of...

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: Since GDPR regulations came into effect, we are unable to initiate contact with Old Girls without prior consent. As such, if you know of...

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: To mark the end of their University Preparation Week, Year 13 students were treated to an Afternoon Tea in school on Friday afternoon. Students...

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: As the Year 6 Prep girls did not travel to France this year, we decided to give them a flavour of France in school. They took part in...

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