Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne

24 May 2024: This week in Nursery the girls have been looking at semi-circles and hemispheres, pentagons, hexagons and octagons. They celebrated World...

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Families Day in Nursery

24 May 2024: On Wednesday 15 May, Nursery celebrated International Day of Families. Nursery girls were excited to welcome their parents, grandparents...

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News from Prep

24 May 2024: This week we have welcomed parents into school for a number of different events. On Wednesday, Year 1 held their Open House morning...

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Celebrating National Numeracy Day 

24 May 2024: Girls in Reception really enjoy their numeracy lessons each day and Wednesday gave them the opportunity to celebrate working with numbers...

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Meet the Incoming Head of Prep and Pre-Prep

24 May 2024: We are delighted to announce that Mrs Nina Hobson will be Edgbaston High School’s new Head of Pre-Prep and Prep, taking up the role in...

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A Haven for Study and Wellbeing

24 May 2024: Since September 2023, the Learning Hub has been a hive of activity. The new Silent Study area provides a space for all year groups to study...

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Year 5's Cranedale Experience

17 May 2024: It was a very excited coach full of girls who set off from school on their adventures on Tuesday 7 May. Bags were packed, anticipation...

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Reception Mystery Writing

17 May 2024: A strange package arrived in Reception on Tuesday morning. A box was delivered and placed outside one of the classrooms and when we opened...

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A Musical Teatime Treat

17 May 2024: We ended last week with a most enjoyable teatime concert from soloists in Years 3 and 4. For the first time for Prep girls this was held...

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Student Excels in Essay Competition

17 May 2024: A Year 12 student has succeeded in becoming a finalist in a prestigious essay writing competition. Ecaterina, who studies English Literature,...

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Pitch Perfect

17 May 2024: Our Year 7 Football Team headed to Kings High Warwick recently for the annual GSA (Girls’ Schools Association) Football Festival.  The...

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News from Prep

17 May 2024: In the Prep Department this week the girls have been working hard on their assessments but have also found time to enjoy learning in many...

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This Week in Westbourne

17 May 2024: Continuing the half term’s theme on shape the girls in Nursery have studied rectangles, oblongs and cuboids this week. They have printed...

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Futures: Insights into Mental Health Nursing

17 May 2024: Senior School pupils enjoyed an insight into the medical field when former pupil, Ellen Hahn, returned to share her journey into becoming...

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Cycling to Confidence

17 May 2024: Year 6 students actively engaged in Bikeability this week, as part of their enrichment programme. They honed their cycling skills within...

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Taster Day Showcases Reception

17 May 2024: Next week the school will hold a Reception Taster day for any parents interested in finding out more about the opportunities on offer in...

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Celebrating Excellence: Sports Personality Awards

10 May 2024: The Octagon was once again transformed for this year’s sports awards, affectionately known to us as ‘EHS Sports Personality of the Year’....

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News from Prep

10 May 2024: It has been another fairly quiet week in the Prep School with Year 5 girls away on their residential trip to Cranedale, the Eco Centre...

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Good Luck to Year 11

10 May 2024: On Wednesday, we celebrated Year 11's final day in school in a flurry of excitement and emotion.  The day started with teachers joining...

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This Week in Westbourne

10 May 2024: Even though this week has been shorter, Westbourne pupils have packed a great deal into it! The theme in Nursery this week has been...

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Curiosity Corner

10 May 2024: The girls in Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception are constantly challenged within and beyond the curriculum in Westbourne, our Pre-Prep...

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Exploring Careers in Healthcare

10 May 2024: The Senior School had the pleasure of hosting Liz Cummings from the Royal College of Midwives for a session on careers within the National...

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Boreatton Bound

10 May 2024: The Year 4 girls embarked on an exhilarating adventure during their school residential trip last week to Boreatton Park in Shropshire,...

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Showcase Celebrates Creativity

10 May 2024: This week, the Senior School held an Art Showcase to celebrate all the fantastic work that has been produced by our young artists so far...

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Château Adventures in France

10 May 2024: On Monday 29 April, 39 excited Year 6 girls arrived, bright and early at school, ready to depart for France. The long-awaited French Trip...

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A Fond Farewell to Year 13

10 May 2024: ‘Ambitious’, ‘motivated’, ‘kind’ are just some of the words used to describe Year 13. During their time at EHS, they have fully embraced...

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An Evening of Music and Drama

03 May 2024: In our inaugural Senior Performing Arts Spotlight, we enjoyed an evening filled with melodies and theatrical prowess, showcasing the remarkable...

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Jungle Adventures

03 May 2024: We regularly extend the learning experiences of the girls in the Prep School by offering a variety of hands-on workshops. At the end...

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Violet Makes Her Mark for Team GB

03 May 2024: Year 11 archer, Violet Walker, has returned from a successful week representing Great Britain in the 2024 European Youth Cup (first leg)...

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News from Prep

03 May 2024: This has been a quiet week in the Prep School with both Year 4 and Year 6 girls out of school on their residential trips. We have really...

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Year 8 Explore River Dynamics

03 May 2024: Under a bright blue sky, Year 8 students embarked on an exciting journey to the stunning Carding Mill Valley in Shropshire, eager to delve...

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An Encounter with 'Blood Brothers'

03 May 2024: Tuesday night was far from ordinary for the Year 10 GCSE students, as they headed out for an evening at the Hippodrome to watch 'Blood...

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This Week in Westbourne

03 May 2024: This week’s theme is Nursery has been triangles and pyramids. The girls have made triangles from sticks and bricks, swept confetti into...

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Molly's Fundraising Efforts

03 May 2024: Year 7 pupil Molly C is making a significant impact in raising awareness and funds for Coeliac UK, a charity dedicated to supporting those...

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Meet the New Leadership Team

03 May 2024: With local elections in the news, the Senior School has just completed its own voting process to select the new Sixth Form Leadership Team....

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Singing up a Storm

03 May 2024: The Prep School’s Choral Day returned with a resounding chorus this week when we welcomed pupils from Chad Vale, Woodgate Primary and West...

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