Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Year 12 reflect on the first half term back

Sixth Form

06 November 2020

Following an unprecedented national lockdown over a protracted period, September 7th brought the long-awaited reopening of EHS and a warm welcome to all its students and staff. The year began with uncertainty and apprehension, however due to the strong sense of community and perseverance from each individual, the School’s optimistic ethos has been maintained.

Year 12 returned with drive and determination after being assigned their roles of responsibility towards the end of summer. Prefects have busied themselves in creating inspirational notice boards, leading assemblies for the school over TEAMS, in addition to supporting KS3 year groups and working closely with Heads of Year.

Due to social distancing and year group bubbles, the PREP prefect team have been unable to personally visit the PREP department and engage with the girls face to face. However, the team strategised and organised a rota to regularly record themselves reading Roald Dahl’s ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ for the year 3 cohort to enjoy throughout the week.

Upon receiving feedback from year 3, who have thoroughly enjoyed the videos, the team have been encouraged to further reach out to additional PREP year groups! We hope that the team’s patience will be rewarded, in the near future, by finally being able to meet the girls in person and introduce more exciting ventures.

In spite of the present circumstances, the PREP prefect team have adapted their approach to make the most of the current situation, displaying great tenacity. By working together and thinking outside the box, the school community has remained connected, through what could otherwise be a daunting time.

We look forward to implementing similar ideas into additional aspects of EHS life, in order to maintain this cohesive and positive environment, regardless of what further difficulties we may face. 

Written by Lujayn and Ilene

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