Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

VE Day EHS style


15 May 2020

Miss Deacon, Prep School History Co-ordinator working with Senior School, prepared a range of optional activities to celebrate VE Day during the Bank Holiday weekend.
We were delighted to see the results of these challenges which the girls had clearly enjoyed with friends and family.

Grace, Year 5 and Amelia and Lucy, Year 3 did some baking. Lucy also improvised with material at home to make a patriotic outfit, and many girls made bunting which they used for decoration at home.  Mrs Eveleigh had used her impressive IT skills to decorate Prep Hall remotely with the bunting created by pupils which can be seen in the photograph. She also transported Amelia to the hall to salute everyone’s efforts in her wartime themed outfit.  

Several girls also talked to people who had experienced the wartime and VE Day celebrations. Lucy, in Year 6, spoke to her grandfather about his time in Hull as a fifteen year old.  

Marlah in Year 5 interviewed her neighbour Val during their neighbourhood celebrations. She heard how Val’s grandfather had built an air raid shelter in the garden.  At that time in history neighbours all gathered together closely, quite different to the situation today. Val also told Marlah about the experience of wearing a gas mask and about rationing. Marlah was surprised to hear that Val, aged 7, did not know what a banana was.  

It has been a positive opportunity for these different generations to share experiences. We wonder what our Prep girls will be sharing with future generations about this challenging time.

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