Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Nursery Rhyme Nativity


11 December 2020

The first event to take place in the lead up to Christmas in the Prep School has traditionally been the Westbourne festive entertainment performed in front of a packed audience in the Octagon.

This year things needed to be different and we took the show β€˜on the road.’  Actually, we travelled across the car park to our Outdoor Classroom and performed in the open air.  We were fortunate to have the most beautiful winter morning for our performance and the Nursery Rhyme Nativity was a success.

It was unusual seeing the traditional nativity costumes worn with wellies but the girls embraced the experience and told the traditional story very well.  They also sang enthusiastically with words to well-known nursery rhymes adapted for the occasion.  Our Reception girls narrated the story and Kindergarten and Nursery made excellent cameo appearances as stars and angels.

Our youngest girls showed great resilience and flexibility as they took the open air theatre experience in their stride.

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