Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News From Prep


13 November 2020

Whilst we were disappointed not to have been able to enjoy our annual EHSPA Firework Party this year, we enjoyed looking at the work that Year 2 produced as part of their studies on this period in History.  Each class produced a Guy and they put their creative skills to good use in creating firework pictures using pastels and glue.  Listening to the Fireworks Suite gave further inspiration for their creations.

Year 5, in their History lessons, have been discovering what it would have been like to be a girl during Puritan times. They compared and contrasted this with our modern day lives and realised how much they appreciate their modern day education!

Creative skills have been in evidence in Year 1 too where girls have been working collaboratively in Design and Technology lessons to construct doll’s house windows using a range of materials they have investigated in Science.  There are definitely some architects or designers of the future in the year group.

Girls from across the Prep School were involved in activities to mark Remembrance Day which you can read more about in our accompanying article.

Our assemblies during the week have been building up to Children in Need Day.  We have focused on the suggested Five to Thrive programme which has been promoting physical and mental well-being activities.  Pudsey Bear has joined us on several occasions as we build up to the BBC special day.

We are looking forward to welcoming prospective parents to our virtual Open House morning next Friday.

Mrs Sally Hartley

Head of Preparatory School

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