Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News from Prep
03 April 2020
In this last week of the Spring Term we have celebrated our end of term in a different way than we expected to.
We did, however, begin the week in the normal way with our Celebration Assembly. We congratulated Charlotte Bragg, our Eco Prefect, on her video encouraging everyone to take part in Earth Hour on Saturday. All girls in Prep and Westbourne were also presented with a Headteacher’s certificate, from a distance, for ‘Working Together Whilst Apart’ so well.
Whilst teachers and pupils have been developing new technical skills during this time we have enjoyed sharing much of the girls’ work and teachers have very been delighted by the photographs and messages sent to them.
The pupils have enjoyed physical and creative activities in addition to core subject work too. Girls in several year groups have completed some rainbow pictures and displayed these in their windows in support of the NHS and encouraging people to stay safe. Year 1 have particularly enjoyed listening to a daily picture book story read by Abida Mohamed in Year 10 on Seesaw.
It is a well-known fact that birds come from eggs, and this puzzle proved it! The puzzle consisted of a flat, egg-like shape divided into 9 pieces by straight cuts. The goal of the puzzle was to rearrange the pieces to form other specific shapes, as in a tangram. Year 6 girls enjoyed making many species of birds by assembling their pieces. They also challenged themselves to draw the magic egg using only a compass, pencil and ruler.
We have continued with some of our traditions and I am pleased to announce that our Courtesy Counts winners are Amy in Year 1, Amelia in Year 2, Neve in Year 3, Kavya in Year 4, Keira in Year 5 and Ruqayyah in Year 6. I can also announce that the Care Bears for last half term were presented to 1A and 5D. Well done girls on all of your efforts.
In our last assembly of the term we wished the girls well for the holiday and we held our favourite ‘Three Cheers’ tradition guided by Sofia and Nadia, our Head and Deputy Head Girls. I am sure everyone joined in remotely, especially the cheer for extra chocolate.
I close wishing all our families well for the holiday and hoping everyone manages to enjoy some rest.
Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School
Prep News - 3 April 2020
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