Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Head's message
03 April 2020
In my assembly on Wednesday I spoke to the girls about the importance of taking a break over Easter. It is always important to rest after a busy term, but never has this been more important.
Everyone had been working incredibly hard up to the moment remote learning began but stepped up another gear as we entered the realm of remote learning. As I said to the girls, implementing remote teaching, and learning remotely, has meant that we have all had to draw on our reserves. But, what a job everyone has done! I am immensely proud of their efforts and it has been wonderful to receive from the pupils and staff examples of what they have been doing, their work, Zentangles, musical recordings, and a wonderful video that was made by one of our Year 13 students who wanted to say ‘thank you’ to the NHS. She had asked friends, family and members of the EHS community to express their gratitude and put it all together with some wonderful music. It brought tears to my eyes. Please do keep sending pictures and please also encourage your daughter to get involved in the new EHS Challenge Award; I am looking forward to seeing what they all do to work towards this.
Congratulations to the girls who were nominated for the Excellence Book this term. As you will see, the reasons for being in the Excellence Book are many and varied and it was a delight to meet with so many this term to discuss the work they have been doing. The Excellence Book will continue next term, and I already have submissions.
I wish everyone a peaceful and restful Easter break.
Mrs Clare Macro

EHS at work
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