Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Wonders of Westbourne


30 April 2021

Another busy week in Nursery has seen our youngest pupils looking all around them for circles and spheres and using a range of different subject skills.  They made circle babies out of tissue paper, gave the pirates some sparkly, round treasure and blew paint bubbles to create some Art work.  Ordering numbers on circle segments of a caterpillar allowed them to use number skills too.  The physical development element of the curriculum was included with rolling the ‘sphere’ balls and blowing bubbles outside.

‘V’ was the focused letter sound of the week in Kindergarten.  Aisha talked to the class about the different parts of her violin and she played a little and sang a song about the notes, which everyone enjoyed.  They were also delighted when they made a volcano they had made out of clay erupt.  The lava and explosion were created using bicarb, washing up liquid, red food colouring and vinegar.  This certainly helped to bring their learning to life.

There were two firsts for Reception girls.  They enjoyed their first swimming lesson of the week last Friday and are really looking forward to returning to the water this week.  They also enjoyed their first lesson in computer programming by using the Beebots. 

Continuing with the topic of Creatures Great and Small, girls have made some colourful animal masks and used their imagination to full effect by creating animal stories in the role play area of the classroom. 

In Reception girls have been learning about Ramadan and the festival of Eid. An afternoon activity included colouring mehndi patterns and dressing up in Eid party clothes. Mrs Mohamed visited from Year 1 to talk to the girls about how she and her family celebrate Ramadan and Eid.

There is always so much happening in our Pre-Prep School.


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