Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Wonders of Westbourne


23 April 2021

It was clear from the smiles on the girls’ faces on return to school that they were pleased to be back after the holiday and to be seeing their teachers and friends.  We also welcomed a number of new girls to Nursery and hope that they will soon feel settled into our school community.

Girls have already been busy returning to their studies.  Nursery girls joined with people around the world in marking World Earth Day.  They used shaving foam and paint with paper plates to make their own Earths.  They then used corks to stamp and make small earths.

In Kindergarten, they completed some work based on Ramadan, looking at Islamic shapes and making some lanterns.  They have also demonstrated their love of reading at a very young age.

In Reception, the new topic for this term is ‘Creatures Great and Small,’ and the girls enjoyed visiting the vets’ surgery in the classroom.  They have extended their medical vocabulary by exploring how the Vet treats the animals in their care and makes important decisions on what medications to give.

In Mathematics, the girls have started the term with an introduction to Subtraction using cubes to calculate their answers correctly. 

We are all now looking forward to making the most of the improving weather by exploring the outdoors in our very varied school campus.

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