Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


18 November 2022

We always like to mark national awareness weeks and this week has been no exception as nursery girls took part in Nursery Rhyme Week along with thousands of other children across the country. 

In Kindergarten, the focus has been on the letter sound ‘r’. To reinforce their language work they have created rabbits in the shape of an R and have shared items from home that begin with the letter sound and have recorded them.  In Art lessons they have studied the colours of the rainbow and have been learning all about robins.  Their Mathematics lessons have focused on thinking about more and less red objects.

They finished the week with a Pudsey-filled Friday, practising pencil control, phonics and thinking about the Pudsey story, ‘The Great Fundraiser’.

In the classroom, Reception girls have reinforced the phonics sound 'e' by making egg men complete with arms, legs and hair to befriend Humpty Dumpty in this Nursery Rhyme Week!  In their Creative Writing lessons, Reception girls are starting to use their phonics knowledge to write words independently.  They listened to the story of Spot's First Picnic then attempted to write sentences by themselves.  

Continuing with their topic of 'Food', girls were able to compare items used in the kitchen past and present, and there was much discussion about what was used at home. Their work on money in Mathematics lessons will help with budgeting for the weekly shop.

Westbourne girls have also marked Road Safety Week by learning necessary skills to keep safe in our Discovery Den which has been transformed into a road.


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