Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Taking Care of our Teeth


24 March 2023

On Wednesday of this week girls in Westbourne took part in a beyond the curriculum, Oral Health Day.  

We were very fortunate to have some parent Dentists who came to join us. Dr Mirza talked about what to expect when you visit the dentist and showed the girls some of the equipment that she would use for a check up. She explained what happens if you do not clean your teeth well and how cavities need to be treated. The girls enjoyed using a toy drill to practise their dental skills! 

Dr Hashmi talked to the children about foods that were not good for their teeth and the kind of drinks that were the best, for example milk, as it is full of calcium. The girls enjoyed looking at teeth in the form of x-rays on the interactive whiteboard too. 

In other classrooms girls were practising what they had learned and were using their new toothbrushes! They also enjoyed lots of games and activities based around oral health. 

We hope that parents will enjoy looking through some of the information leaflets that have been sent home with their daughters and can also be found on seesaw. We also hope that Westbourne girls will put their new toothbrushes to good use (at least twice a day!).

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