Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Prep News
10 May 2019
Girls in Year 6 have continued to enjoy their Enrichment activities which last week included finding out about dog agility. Mrs Aston, who competes regularly in competitions with her two dogs, Parker and Willow, told the girls about the training, dog care and commitment required. The girls then enjoyed a practical demonstration of the dogs’ skills. This week has included an introduction to squash, British sign language and an Art workshop.
6I parents also joined us at the end of the week for their last class assembly in the Prep School. The theme chosen was ‘Friendship,’ a topic that the girls are thinking much about at present as they prepare to move to secondary school. The girls performed confidently and worked well together.
In Reception, the girls were also busy on Friday afternoon with a trip to the Botanical Gardens with their dolls. They had a lovely time playing on the grass bank until the rain came down! Back in the classroom they have been extending their subtraction skills using higher numbers.
Following the Bank Holiday weekend, Year 5 girls arrived on Tuesday morning very excited about their residential week ahead at Cranedale. Regular daily updates have helped us to keep in touch and we are looking forward to their return on Friday and to hearing more about their experiences.
Miss Dawes has been busy extending the girls’ sports opportunities this week with some cricket coaching for Years 1 and 2 and with the introduction of a Tennis Club for Years 3 and 4. The new on-line resources to give the girls a focused five minutes of exercise daily have also been introduced.
Other skills that Year 2 have been developing have included sketching sea shells, paying close attention to line, shade and tone. They have also been celebrating the Royal birth this week and welcomed a new addition to their History timeline. They are looking forward to sending the special card they have made, which is full of best wishes, to the Royal family.
In our Celebration Assembly, we have congratulated our younger pupils with the award of the Well Done certificates. There were also congratulations to Emily Hadley who received a Head Teacher’s Award for her presentation on Australia.
Next week we look forward to Egyptian Day for Year 6 and Lion Learners visit for Westbourne on Wednesday, Year 5 and 6 Teatime Concert on Thursday and 6H assembly for parents on Friday. As we have class and sports photographs on Tuesday we have another busy week ahead.
Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

Prep News - 10 May 2019
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