Friday Headlines

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Prep Join the Big Garden Bird Watch


27 January 2023

This weekend is the Big Garden Bird Watch. The Big Garden Bird Watch is when you look out into your garden and count however many birds you can see in an hour. Prep girls will have a tally chart that they can record the birds they see on. They are invited to spend an hour looking for bird visitors and once their hour is up they should send the results to the RSPB by looking on their website and pressing 'sign up' to take part.

This national event was promoted by the Prep Eco Reps who worked hard on their special assembly which they presented on Tuesday to the Prep School. The girls performing included Anisha, Annabel, Alya, Isla, Khushi, Holly, Kaiya, Himmat, Talia, Thea, Robyn, Annika, Anna, Hannah, Ranye and Sanreet. In the assembly they explained how to fill in the result sheet and explained why we are doing the Big Garden Bird Watch. This is because the RSPB takes in all of the information to see if any species are struggling to live or lay eggs. 

The Big Garden Bird watch takes place in the winter because that’s the time of the year garden birds need us most – if it is really cold, it’s likely more birds will come into our gardens looking for shelter and food. This makes it easier to count the birds. As the Birdwatch takes place at the same time every year, we can look back through the years to see if anything has changed. Please make sure you send the results before February 19th.

Written by Josephine and Anisha, Year 6

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