Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep girls mark 'Book Day' in style


08 June 2018

On World Book Day in March the girls used their artistic skills to enter the national competition to celebrate books by creating a design for a new book token which they very much enjoyed.

In Prep this term we held our own EHS Book Day. It took place on Monday 4 June and was linked to National Elmer Day in May. The message in the Elmer books about being different and the importance of being happy to be your unique self is an important one for the girls, and shows how much we can learn from books whilst enjoying reading.

It was clear from the display of costumes from Nursery to Year 6 how busy the girls and staff had been over half term deciding on their favourite book characters and designing their costumes.  There was a definite buzz of excitement as we all took part in some ‘book celebrity spotting’ as everyone came in to assembly.

During the day girls also took part in a range of different book related activities which were thoroughly enjoyed.

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