Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Prep


27 September 2019

This week began a little earlier than usual as we welcomed many prospective parents to our Open Day on Saturday. As ever, the Year 6 guides were complimented on the informative tours they conducted in the Prep School and parents left with information from our oldest pupils, teaching staff and parent representatives. We hope to see them all again in the future.

Year 6 girls enjoyed another first on Monday morning as they held their first House Assembly of the new year as House Captains. They had all chosen ‘travel’ as their theme in line with our new challenge board topic of the term and our recent work on being global citizens. They really enjoyed the experience and are eagerly awaiting their next assembly.

Another group of girls who are relishing their new posts of responsibility are our Prep Parliament Representatives. They are going to be meeting regularly to represent the views of their classmates and let us hear the pupil voice. We are looking forward to implementing some of their ideas in the year ahead.

Wednesday was a very busy day in Prep as we celebrated our own EHS World Languages Day. This included learning new languages and enjoying dance performances and food from the Americas. This was followed up on Thursday with an assembly on non-verbal communication and the importance of recognising the messages we can send with our facial and body language.

Girls have extended their knowledge in many curriculum subjects too. Year 2 became experts in eye health after a visit from the Eye Heroes Team. The girls listened carefully to the experts’ advice learning all they need to know in order to keep their eyes healthy. We hope our new ‘Eye Heroes’ will share their new-found knowledge with parents and will visit the optician regularly.

Year 1 have been investigating links in their humanities subjects. They have begun looking at modern homes ready to contrast these with historical homes in their future History lessons. They have enjoyed working in groups to learn from each other.

Meanwhile Year 5 re-enacted the story of the Gunpowder Plot.  They explored and presented not only what happened but why it happened. They then came right up to date finding out how computer technology is used in industry and business as they visited land Rover. We will report further on this visit next week.  

Year 2 practised their reasoning skills too as they sequenced the events of the Great Fire of London. They produced zigzag books of the event and are now well prepared for the practical workshop taking place soon.

On Thursday, we welcomed Year 1 parents to Open House in the classrooms and enjoyed hosting parents at out Macmillan Coffee morning on Friday. We hope parents will join EHSPA and fellow parents at the Annual Quiz Night being held on Friday 4 October and at the EHS Countryfile ramble for Children in Need on Sunday 6 October. Further details have been emailed and are available on the website.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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