Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News From Prep


22 January 2021

The girls in Prep have completed an enormous amount of curriculum-based work and shown much resolve in their remote learning making us extremely proud of them all.  There have also been a number of challenges in place to extend their studies beyond the curriculum and to further their independent learning skills.

One of these challenges was launched last Friday with a celebration of National Hat Day.  This term’s Challenge Board is on this theme of hats and we are impressed by the independent research already completed.  Mrs Hartley has worn a different hat to assembly each day which she hopes has helped to inspire and interest the girls.

A further celebration of a special day took place on Monday, 18 January as Winnie the Pooh Day was marked.  We linked this assembly with the qualities we recognise in our friends, and to value our friendships as much as the famous bear did. 

Madame Hennous has reported on the hard work taking place on the Junior Language Challenge with many of the girls are about to commence round 2 where they will begin to learn German.  We wish them good luck with this.

Girls may like to take part in the Winter photography challenge set by Mrs Crimp in Senior School.  We are sure this will appeal to many girls and details can be found in last week’s Friday Headlines.  There are prizes available to add some extra incentive.

This week’s art highlights include the 3D faces created by Year 1.  It is impressive that despite following the same instructions the faces all look so different.  We enjoyed seeing faces created by some of the parents too.

Year 5 followed up their Cubist style art with some sketching of facial features and the resulting eye sketches, as seen below, are very effective.  Year 5 demonstrated a further range of skills in their Geography work.  They were asked to research a continent of their choice and to present their projects in a variety of ways. 

Europe was the most popular continent chosen with Asia and North America close seconds.  The posters, factsheets and video presentations were most impressive and we are sure we have some photo-journalists or TV presenters in the making.  Included in the projects were excellent images of famous landmarks and physical features, and facts about culture, food, wildlife and many other topics.

It is very encouraging to see the girls’ skills in so many areas developing well and we are enjoying seeing them in assemblies and on-line lessons this term.

I hope that many Prep girls, parents, grandparents and family friends will be keen to take part in our EHS School community project supporting Age UK by knitting little hats for the ‘Big Knit.’  This is another opportunity to learn a new skill or to be creative for more experienced knitters.  Further details will be emailed next week but you can look on the Big Knit website if you are keen to get started.  I am looking forward to seeing lots of little hats!

Mrs Hartley

Head of Preparatory School

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