Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News From Prep


09 October 2020

This week we have been focusing on ways to develop positive mental and emotional health in readiness for supporting #HelloYellow Day on Friday October 9.  All assemblies have offered the girls practical advice on how to stay happy and to take a positive approach.  We are all aiming to be more like Tigger than Eeyore in our thinking.  The two characters popped up each morning as a reminder to try to stay cheerful.

Girls were also introduced to some ways to keep calm if they were feeling worried or overwhelmed by things happening around them.

Our ‘smile’ cameras and pictures displayed around school have given everyone plenty to smile about during the week.

In Reception this week girls have enjoyed painting their own pictures, including their families and lovely walks in nature!  The girls have also been working hard on numbers, ensuring careful counting and matching items up to the correct digits.  They have also investigated the concept of length, building short and tall towers along with finding long and short sticks to place in order in the outdoor classroom!

Year 2 girls have also explored the school grounds as they enjoyed going on an autumn hunt.  This walk was linked to their studies in Science which this term have been focusing on the senses.

The week has finished with our Celebration Assembly and the announcement of the Year 1 and 2 Well Done Certificates.  We hope that wearing cheerful yellow accessories will continue over the weekend and that we can all continue to develop the habit of being positive and Tigger like!

Mrs Sally Hartley

Head of Preparatory School

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