Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Prep


21 October 2022

The week began with a special day for Westbourne. Our youngest pupils in Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception enjoyed a Day of Dance which you can read more about in our separate article. They particularly enjoyed welcoming girls from Senior School and a number of Prep Staff who demonstrated many different styles of dancing.

During this week our allotment in the historic Guinea Gardens has proved to be an inspiration for the work of several of our year groups. Year 5 girls explored, looking for ideas for their creative writing and the finished results were well presented and full of descriptive language.

Year 3 have been learning about the relationship between kilograms and grams. As well as having the opportunity to practise their weighing skills in the classroom during their Maths lessons, Year 3 pupils took a trip to the allotment to estimate the mass of a pumpkin. Once everyone had put forward their estimate (including the teachers), the pumpkin was weighed and its actual mass was 3.1kg. Congratulations to Emily who had the closest estimate and won the pumpkin!

During the visit to the allotment, pupils also created their own colour palette using colours from leaves and petals and explored the textures of objects and plants by doing some wax rubbings.

Kindergarten girls visited the Botanics for their investigation of nature and to enjoy the changing colours and the enjoyment of being in the outdoors.

Wednesday arrived with a pink glow across the whole school on our Wear it Pink charity day.  We started the day with a Celebration Assembly. There was a round up of charity work this term and Amelia and Asees, our Charity Champions, awarded the Care Bears to 2S and 4M for donating the most money to our silver bag.

There were individual awards to Katerina for gaining her Bronze Brownie Award, to Lara Holden-Jones for her swimming medal and a swimming certificate for Dimitra Greaves. We also really enjoyed watching Shayanna’s dancing in celebration of Diwali and were all surprised by the huge audience she was performing to.  Congratulations also to our Courtesy Counts winners, Ranye, Haya, Dimitra, Hitha, Millie and Anisha.

We hope that many Year 3 girls will enter the Art competition with an Autumn theme and that artists in other year groups may add to our gallery.  We wish everyone an enjoyable break during half term.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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