Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Library Puts on a Festive Display
10 December 2021
A competition was held to name the white origami dragon that was wrapped around the small library Christmas tree. Numerous names were received, some very creative, and some
very simple with students favouring everyday names such as ‘Dave’ and ‘Ben’. A helpful Sixth Former made the final blind selection from the submissions and the dragon’s
name was decided as the very grand Azaemondeus, The White Scaled Beast Dragon!
The dragon wasn’t the only festive display on show – Mrs Hall was busy picking out specific books from the shelves, cleverly arranging them in a way that gave us a large
snowman, complete with a scarf, buttons, and a carrot nose. However, she wasn’t done with decorating. Soon she pulled out more books and stacked them in a way that mimicked a
rounded tree! Both Mrs Hall and Miss Lee learned that it takes a lot of books to get a full tree…
Thank you for those students who participated in the dragon naming and for those who have given warm compliments for the snowman and book tree.

Library News - 10 December 2021
Click image for full view