Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Calling All Animal Lovers - Next Week is Pet Week!
11 June 2021
All next week, EHS Senior School will be hosting its very first Pet Week to raise money for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Our links to Guide Dogs for the Blind go way back and in 2017 we set out to raise over £1500 to be able to take part in the “name a puppy” scheme. By raising enough money we would be able to sponsor and name our very own EHS puppy and get regular pup-dates, pictures and a birth certificate. By holding ‘visit the dogs’ sessions between 2016-2018, where pupils paid to come and meet and pet the dogs, we were able to raise the funds and so were on our way to name our own EHS pup.
At around the same time, we tragically lost two students from our school community, sisters Grace and Mojo, in a devastating accident. Mojo would have now been at university and Grace would have been in our current year 7. In their memory, we have therefore decided to name our first puppy Mojo. And we are now on a mission to raise enough money to name a second puppy after Grace.
To that end, on Monday 14th June, we will begin our big event – Pet Week! Much like RAG week, there will be a wide variety of events to get involved with, everything to do with PETS! Miss Vann will be dishing out training hints and tips for your dogs with demonstrations from her own Guide Dog for the Blind, Vixen; pet activity packs filled with quizzes, colouring and activities; a raffle with a massive pet hamper prize; guess the number of sweets in the jar; and pup-dates from Vixen. All week, the Food and Nutrition, D&T and Textiles departments will also be running workshops on how to make your own cat and dog biscuit treats and recycled fabric pet toys. At the end of the week, we will round things off with a spectacular montage of EHS pet photos and video clips in a showcase celebrating "The Secret Life of EHS Pets".
Please get involved as much as you can and there will also be collection pots dotted around the whole school including in reception at Prep and Westbourne. It’s going to be a brilliant week and we hope that everyone will get behind our mission to raise as much money as possible and reach our target for Grace!

Guide Dog Week
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