Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Authors of the future


07 February 2020

This half term’s Beyond the Curriculum Day in Westbourne for our Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception children was spent writing and telling stories.

In Nursery they looked at a longer nursery rhyme, ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’. The girls acted out the rhyme and took photos of each section before putting them into a zigzag book to tell the story.

In Kindergarten, girls in K1 took it in turns to develop a class story. They then wrote the story as well as illustrating it too. K2 read the story of Goldilocks as their sound for the week was ‘g’. Next they acted out the story using Props. They decided to change the ending of the story - the bears decided to be friends with Goldilocks and gave her a big hug. The girls then worked in small groups and used the photos of their acting to story scribe. All the girls had a go at writing part of the story and their work is displayed in the classroom.

Girls in Reception carefully planned their own stories at home with their parents. They enjoyed using these ideas to write their very own books in school during the 'Beyond the Curriculum Storytelling' day. They made excellent authors and illustrators!

The girls enjoyed their day and are proud of their finished work.

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