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An Open Letter To Year 11 From Miss O'Hare
14 May 2021
Dear Year 11,
Once upon a time I remember telling you that Year 11 is, after all that has come before it, an important stepping-stone in one’s education. That the academic focus of Year 11 is inevitably to work conscientiously and assiduously towards the goal of reaching one’s potential in the summer GCSE examinations. That the exams are typically important, tangible and motivating academic factors that are used as a springboard into life in Sixth Form, University and beyond.
Reaching these academic achievements was never going to be easy, and I remember telling you at the beginning of Year 10 that the next two years would require hard work, discipline, self-motivation, independent study and, inevitably some elements of stress. All I asked of you was to try your best and to know that, even if every day is not a good day - to find something good within each day.
Whilst all of this remains true, none of us could predict just exactly what this would actually mean and what the next two years would involve for your academic and personal journeys. The river became ferocious and treacherous and the stepping-stones to get across to the other side became more difficult day by day. You faced many battles, setbacks and obstacles and I write this completely astounded and still in awe of your unfaltering ability to heed my advice and to still find something good in every day – even when I was struggling to do so.
Amidst the challenges of lockdowns, Teams lessons, learning and working from home, social distancing, missing your friends and family, continuing changes to the examination and assessment process, and the continuing unpredictability of the Covid Pandemic, you have never ceased to amaze me with your approach demonstrating the two qualities I hold in the highest regard, Grit and Grace.
You persevered with grit and resilience on the tougher days, finding strength and courage that you never knew you had. You showed compassion, kindness and grace to yourselves and each other within the bonds of friendship too.
Now that the storm has calmed and you approach the final few stepping-stones, I want you to remember and reflect upon this rollercoaster of a journey. It seems the Media is adamant that you have "lost" so much throughout this pandemic. But, I strongly believe that you, my Year 11's, have proved them all wrong. You have actually done the opposite and you have “gained” in bucket loads, strength, perseverance, courage and so much fearlessness that the world outside of EHS better watch out!
There is no doubt in my mind that you will in the coming months jump onto the last stepping stone with a beaming smile and I will be so very proud of you all when they do. You will land there with your own exciting and empowering visions for the future, looking ahead to bright, new sunny days.
And, most importantly of all, if the last two years are anything to go by, you will do all of this, happily ever after, with the strongest heads and kindest hearts of all!
Miss O'Hare

Year 11 Leavers
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