Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
All In A Week's Work for Year 2
07 May 2021
Year 2 girls have been busy both inside and outside of the classroom extending their studies.
They have been enjoying Geography fieldwork, working in small groups to follow a route around the school grounds. They recorded the route on a plan and created a key showing the route taken and some of the main features they passed along the way.
Finally, back in the classroom, the girls used digital technologies to zoom in on an Ordinance Survey map of our school grounds to see our route. They also used an aerial photograph to find the main features passed such as the cherry blossom trees.
The Year 2 pupils have been exploring abstract art too and have studied a selection of pieces by the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky. He use bold shapes and colours to create his artwork.
Kandinsky was often inspired by music and the girls listened to a piece of music by a fellow Russian, the composer Prokofiev to inspire their abstract collages.
The girls also enjoyed being outdoors once again, and the opportunity to develop some cricket skills working with All Stars coaches.

Busy Year 2
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