Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Yr 8 Gets In The Spirit for Fundraising Success.
11 June 2021
Last half term, the EHS Charity Team and PE Department hosted our very own Race for Life to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research. All year groups as well as staff members took part and ran 5K, working hard to raise as much money as possible for such a worthy cause.
Alongside the general school-wide fundraising, two Year 8 forms – 8L and 8B – decided to personally raise money as a form and set up their own JustGiving pages. The results were astonishing! 8B raised a grand total of £476 and 8L raised the incredible sum of £1,188.05!
At the end of last half term we celebrated with a fabulous breakfast of croissants and hot chocolate for the whole year group. We also took the opportunity to hand out the latest round of EHS Spirit Awards. The EHS Spirit Awards is an initiative that we introduced last year into Year 8 to recognise a range of values and successes such as kindness, perseverance, helpfulness, academic effort, artistic achievement and citizenship. Miss Glover, Miss Mooney and Mrs Macro were all in attendance as the girls accepted their badges and certificates and bumped elbows instead of shaking hands.
Following the presentations, we were then treated to the hilarious world premiere of Harry Potter: The Musical written, performed and directed by Pheobe, Daisy, Olivia, Alice, and Layla. All in all it was a brilliant end to a busy half term!
Well done to 8B and 8L, as well as the whole of Year 8, for their excellent efforts in raising money for an incredibly important charity. We are so proud of you!
The Year 8 Tutor Team

Year 8 Spirit and Race for Life
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