Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Working together: Miss Saigon workshop

Senior School

06 December 2019

On Friday 29 November 2019, Edgbaston High School for Girls played host to a special Miss Saigon workshop, working together with local schools.

We were delighted to welcome 120 enthused Year 5 and 6 pupils from St Georges C of E Primary and Chad Vale Primary School for a morning of Miss Saigon-themed activity. The morning involved participating in a Miss Saigon scene, experiencing the set and learning parts of the ‘Morning of the Dragon’ choreography. 

The students were then offered the opportunity to be part of an audience that heard a selection of songs from our production of the show, performed by cast and staff of EHS. Finally, the pupils had the chance to ask the cast and production crew questions regarding Miss Saigon, their experience of performing and stage management. It was fantastic to hear that the visiting pupils loved the experience and we look forward to holding similar events in the near future.

Mrs Batchelor
Senior Teacher

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