Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Words from Westbourne


26 February 2021

In this first week back after half term girls in Nursery have focused their activities on the Nursery Rhyme, ‘Hey Diddle Diddle.’  They started the week with an assembly from Mrs Hartley and have enjoyed completing a variety of tasks throughout the week.

Kindergarten girls have also been very busy.  They have reviewed the words they have been learning and swatted away the word flies they knew.  They have also been thinking about the concepts of heavy and light using the balance scales.  They asked each other which is heavier and which is lighter?

The girls listened to the story of Mrs Honey’s Hat and decorated a new hat for her using the items featured in the story. They also retold the story, thinking about the days of the week and what happened on that particular day.

Another featured activity of the week was talking about why and when we should wash our hands which is so important at the moment. They decorated hand outlines with germs (sequins). They also drew germs on laminated hands using dry wipe pens then washed them clean with warm soapy water. 

Reception girls clearly enjoyed planting their beans. They are really excited about watching them grow.  The girls also showed how well they had listened in our Internet Safety assembly with their follow-up work on how the use the computer safely.

Well done to all of the girls in Westbourne for their wonderful work in all curriculum areas.

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