Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Wonders of Westbourne
12 March 2021
World Book Day at the end of last week gave everyone a chance to focus on reading and we were delighted that Westbourne girls demonstrated their love of books both at home and in school! We enjoyed watching the videos of families sharing books at home too.
This week, as all girls returned to school, it was clear that they were pleased to be back and sharing smiles at playtime with their friends. They were also keen to return to learning in the classroom.
In Nursery, the rhyme about Miss Polly and her dolly gave the focus for many of the activities during the week. The girls wrote prescriptions for dolly to help her to feel better and role-played being doctors. Other activities included bathing dolly linked with talking about brushing teeth. The girls have also made Mother’s day cards but we cannot spoil that surprise with pictures.
The letter focus in kindergarten this week is 'l'. Girls have worked well on their writing and enjoyed being creative with their lions!
Reception girls have enjoyed renewing friendships on the playground after being at home during lockdown. They have read and written about the story of Handa's Surprise and continued looking for signs of spring.
It has been lovely having a full school once again and hearing the excitement of the girls in the classroom and playground

Wonders of Westbourne - 12 March 2021
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