Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


29 September 2023

This week has been yellow week in Nursery.  To start the week, everyone brought in a yellow item from home to put on our yellow display table.  We told our friends all about our item using sentences to build communication and language skills.

We also used our senses to explore lemons and once we had squeezed them, we tasted the sour lemon juice.  We used knives to chop yellow bananas and in our weekly cooking session made yellow custard.

Creating yellow handprints and coloured yellow ducks was the activity in our art and fine motor development sessions and for our mathematical sessions we found red and yellow items around the classroom and then sorted them into two sets.

Taking part in the ‘Sticky Kids movement to music’ programme helped to develop elements of our gross physical development. 

In Kindergarten the study has been focused on ‘a’ and we have looked at apples in great detail using magnifying glasses. The children learnt that there are lots of different varieties of apples including Gala, Pink Lady, Granny Smith, Braeburn and Idared. They were given the opportunity to taste all of these and chose the one that they liked the best. The apples were all different: some were crunchy, some were sweet and some were a little bit sour. 

We looked at the inside of the apples and how they look different depending on which way you cut them! We are going to plant the seeds in our next outdoor lesson and hope to watch them grow! Girls have also been practising their letter formation and have enjoyed completing artwork on the theme of ants!

There was much excitement as Reception girls started their first swimming lessons.  This has been a hot topic in Reception for a while as the girls can see the pool from their classrooms, so they did not have far to go.  They were not disappointed and this was evident from the laughter and splashing had by all!

The outdoor classroom is an area where the girls can use their imagination and make mud pies in the outdoor kitchen.  This week they were lucky with the weather and played on the apparatus as well as being creative in the kitchen! 

In Mathematics, girls have been putting their accurate counting skills to good use and have counted pieces of pirate treasure and written out numbers to 10.  They have also sorted 2D shapes and talked about properties of these shapes in detail.    Pupils continue to learn their sounds in Literacy lessons and in Creative Writing lessons, have described pieces of fruit using interesting words.   We made colourful umbrellas after learning the 'u' sound and printed vegetable pictures in our topic lessons. 

Another packed week in Westbourne!

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