Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Futures In Focus for Year 11
28 May 2021
Knowing which career path to follow and what life choices to make isn’t always easy. At EHS we are acutely conscious of this and so make sure that careers education forms a key part of school life. Girls are given careers advice throughout their time at the school through our PSHEE programme and we pride ourselves on our dedicated support and careers resource centre, as well as in-house UCAS advisors, Head of Careers and bespoke, 1:1 careers guidance.
So now that they have completed their final GCSE assessments, all this week Year 11 have been participating in a Future’s Week to help them explore their options more fully and assist them in making informed choices.
The week kicked off with a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). An excellent way of accessing specific knowledge and information from key experts in the field, the girls benefited hugely from learning all about different options and potential paths to achieving their goals.
On Wednesday, the focus was on our brilliant and highly active ‘Old Girls’ network with a carousel of Q&A workshops online led by EHS alumnae working in fields as diverse as law, retail, NHS management, sales and teaching.
On Thursday, a series of online drop-in sessions allowed the girls to ask questions and get targeted advice from our in-house team of experts. The week culminated on Friday with ‘Old Girl’ Freya's inspirational talk about funding her degree and leaving University with no student debt. We hope they were all listening carefully to that one!
We would like to extend our huge thanks to our ‘Old Girls’ Caitlin, Laura, Francesca, Cat, Molly and Freya for giving up their time and energy to talk so enthusiastically and informatively to Year 11.

Year 11 Careers Week
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