Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

The Dragon’s Den Experience


07 June 2024

Our Year 6 pupils have participated in an exciting Dragons' Den-style entrepreneurial programme as one of their enrichment activities. This has involved them working independently on a chosen idea and collaborating in groups to plan and execute it. 

The students designed packaging, created prototypes, advertised their products, wrote letters to companies, and managed budgets to financially plan their projects. The highlight of the programme was pitching their ideas to a panel of 'dragons'. 

On the Friday before half term, the girls presented their innovative concepts to parents and teachers in a showcase event in Prep Hall. They advertised their products keenly, handing out business cards and answering challenging questions in the hope of gaining votes to become the winning business.

Such a programme offers invaluable skills in creativity, teamwork, and financial literacy, preparing them for future challenges and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit from a young age.  A great example of our vision – ‘Futures Without Limits’.

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