Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Sunflower Sisters in the Prep School

Westbourne | Preparatory

26 May 2023

Diversity Day had been much anticipated in the Prep School and did not disappoint when it was celebrated on Monday 22 May. The girls had firstly been invited to come to school dressed in non-uniform that was linked to their family culture or which said something about them such as a particular personal passion or interest.  We were delighted by the range of outfits including cultural designs and girls dressed as athletes, tennis stars and footballers.

The day began with a special assembly in which Monika Singh Gangotra read her book called ‘Sunflower Sisters.’ The message of the story is that everyone should love the skin they are in and be proud of who they are. We are all unique and we celebrate our differences and similarities.

The first activity of the day involved each girl writing a positive affirmation on a yellow petal. Each petal was then constructed into a large sunflower for each year group.  The large sunflowers are now decorating the back wall of Prep Hall and will serve as a positive reminder of the important message of the day.

At break time, we created a large sunflower shape on the playground made of girls and then they were able to draw their own sunflowers using chalks.  

The remainder of the day involved each year group in a range of activities including country and Bhangra dancing, tie-dyeing, planting, aboriginal dot painting, cultural fashion design, bread tasting, collaborative art, poster design and rap-writing.

The day ended with an assembly to share everyone’s activities and a joint singing of ‘1, 2, 3, Good to be me’. There were also very grateful thanks to Monika for inspiring our day.

Sunflowers will always have a special and positive message for the girls in Prep.


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