Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Storytelling Galore


20 January 2023

Ahead of National Storytelling Week, Year 3 girls delighted their parents with a Storytelling Assembly on Wednesday.  All of the girls in the year group performed and their excellent skills amazed us all in the audience.

The girls had worked together in groups of five or six learning about the five step recipe for telling a story.  They had only two minutes to decide on the content of the story in each section.  

After retelling the story several times they then added description, feeling and action to their stories.  The final step in the process was the presentation, focusing on speaking clearly then practising changes in pitch, pace and pause.

During the preparation the staff saw the girls developing in confidence, team cooperation and perseverance to make sure they gave a good performance.  The assembly was also introduced by a Year 3 pupil.

Of course, when they gave the final performance they had the audience to interact with too which they had not practised in advance.  They did an excellent job of including all of the skills they had practised and without a piece of paper in sight!  We are very proud of them all.

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