Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
On your marks, get set - Roman Bake!
19 October 2017
Last Friday, two pairs of girls from each Year 7 form took part in this year’s Roman Bake Off, hosted by the Classics and Food and Nutrition departments.
The girls’ task was to bake a sponge-based cake with a Classical theme. From temples to Roman numerals, the girls threw themselves into the challenge and produced some very impressive bakes. The winners came from 7B who baked a scrumptious carrot cake sponge with a Roman Numeral Clock. It was a pleasure to see their research and planning come alive in a baked form!
Many thanks to all the girls who participated, Dr Weeks and Mrs Fatah for judging, and the staff who supported the event. We are looking forward to the Classical delights of next year already!