Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News

Westbourne | Preparatory

30 November 2018

On Friday of last week we had two completely different events to enjoy. At lunchtime Mrs Eveleigh and Mr Flynn helped each girl in Prep to plant at least one bulb as part of the Bulbs4kids project. These were planted alongside the steps down to car park.  We cannot wait until spring to see the results of these efforts.

Following lunch Year 3 girls welcomed Mrs Shoja-Assadi, local dentist, to help them look after their teeth. They enjoyed the visit and went on to further their studies by identifying various sets of animal teeth.

In complete contrast Year 4 travelled back in time, on Monday, to Selly Manor in the Tudor period when tooth care was very different. They found out more about life in Tudor Times especially that they had no central heating in their homes!  They were able to find out more about the houses and the life of children.

Back at Prep girls were transported to the stars as they visited the inflatable planetarium. Girls from across the school extended their knowledge on a number of different topics and there was even time for a little staff relaxation.

On Thursday we welcomed parents of girls in 3L to join us for assembly. The girls shared the knowledge they had gained from their study of teeth. They explained the jobs that the different types of teeth do and they shared some interesting facts with us. Did you know that giraffes have the same number of teeth as a human? Girls in 3L do. They performed with confidence and and demonstrated a number of different performance skills. 

The week has ended with our first Christmas event as Westbourne girls took to the stage in their performance of Mary’s Knitting. There will be further news in next week’s Friday Headlines which we look forward to.

Next week we look forward to inviting parents to a number of events. There is the Mental Health First Aid talk on Monday, gala against Highclare on Tuesday, Guitar Assembly, Year 2 Nativity and Year 5 and 6 Teatime Concert on Thursday and Year 4 Selly Manor Assembly on Friday. What a busy week! 

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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