Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Prep News
15 December 2021
What a festive end we have enjoyed to the busy Autumn Term.
There has been much activity on craftwork across the Prep School. In Year 2, the girls came to the rescue of Father Christmas when his sleigh was damaged in the recent storms! They designed, constructed and evaluated replacement vehicles for him. Meanwhile in Year 5 the girls have been experimenting with decoupage by decorating reindeer with special patterned paper.
In Year 4, stop motion animation has seen the girls put other practical skills to good use. They applied ICT skills in Science when they produced an animation showing particles in a solid as they melt into a liquid and eventually evaporate into a gas.
In Year 1 girls in 1B have written book reviews about the Winter story Ridiculous! Have you ever seen a tortoise out in Winter? Some holiday reading perhaps!
Special events this week started with our Seasonal Celebration on Monday afternoon. All staff and girls from Years 1 – 6 gathered in the Octagon for a taste of
Christmas. There were songs from our Junior and Senior Choirs, hand bell performances from each Year 6 class, readings about traditions from around the world, several
seasonal stories and a communal poem. It was good to join together as a Prep School community for the afternoon.
Tuesday brought Party Day. Throughout the day, girls enjoyed a range of different activities which included Pictionary, dancing (Just Dance), trees, pass the parcel, games, opening cards and generally having fun with peers. Dressing in party clothes and having party food added to the enjoyment of the day.
We ended the term with our Celebration Assembly. This saw the announcement of the House Quiz general Knowledge Cup which was awarded to Curie House. The House Point Cup for this term was also awarded to Curie House for the most points gained. Amelia and Freya gave their final Charity report of the term and were able to announce that we had raised £150 for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital from our Wish Tree.
The Courtesy Counts draw was made and the winners of the Christmas Door Competition were announced as 1A, 3L and 5D. Congratulations to all of these winners.
It was also good to end the term with the award of two Headteacher’s certificates to Sienna and Zaria who helped to pack and decorate Christmas shoeboxes for homeless and/or
vulnerable children via their local temple. They donated some of their own unopened items, and the boxes were distributed to local charities and homeless shelters. We
are proud of the girls’ efforts and are sure the boxes will help other children to enjoy the holiday.
We wished farewell and good luck to several girls who are relocating and also to Mrs Bracey, one of our teaching assistants. Mrs Bracey has been at EHS for 14 years and has helped and supported many girls during this time. We thank her for all she has done for us in the Prep School in so many ways and wish her well in her retirement, which we are sure is going to be a busy one. We hope all leavers will keep in touch.
After such a busy term, I wish everyone a happy holiday and look forward to seeing everyone back on January 6.
Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

Prep News
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