Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News


19 January 2018

After a busy and successful open day on Saturday, this week began with a story for all girls in Years 1 - 6 as we welcomed Giles Abbott, well-known story teller, back to EHS. In our Monday assembly he gave a very lively presentation of the story of Lazy Jack with actions and a wealth of different voices. Year 3 then enjoyed a workshop with Giles to enhance their story writing skills.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Year 5 girls made their annual trip to the Barber Institute Art Gallery in Birmingham. The purpose of this trip is to inspire their project on portraits for the term ahead which will involve the use of a variety of materials and techniques. The girls clearly enjoyed the interactive presentation which brought the paintings in the gallery to life.

Year 2 girls took shelter from the inclement weather on Tuesday during their Games lesson and enjoyed a Dance session instead. The girls moved imaginatively to music retelling the story of the Tin Soldier. They worked individually, in pairs and as a group of six. The smiles show how much they enjoyed the lesson.

Tuesday evening also saw our first gala against Blue Coat School for this year. The Year 5 and 6 girls were beaten by a narrow margin, but all swam well and fought hard.

We were delighted to welcome Kindergarten girls to our assembly in Prep Hall on Wednesday for the first time. They joined Reception and Years 1 -3 to learn the song they are going to perform in our whole school birthday assembly next week in the Octagon. They very quickly learnt the chorus and the actions, and we are looking forward to the performance when they join girls from Nursery to Year 13 to celebrate the history of the school which was established in 1876.

Our celebration assembly this week took place on Thursday and we were delighted to award the Well Done certificates to girls in Years 1 and 2 for a variety of endeavours. We also presented Grade 1 piano certificates to Siyuan and Siyao and gold, silver and bronze swimming medals to Isla.

Next week we look forward to welcoming Year 2 parents to an information evening on Monday and Year 3 parents to a story telling assembly on Friday morning. Year 4 also have the Rainforest Roadshow to enjoy and we wish good luck to our swimmers for their gala against Holy Trinity and our Year 6 netball team in their match on Wednesday.

Another busy week ahead.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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