Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep live link with the Caribbean


15 November 2019

During normal Science lessons this week, Year 5 girls have been watching and interacting with Coral Scientists currently working in the Caribbean. Girls in all three Year 5 classes made edible sea polyps (featured in the photograph below) a fun way of learning about the basic anatomy of the coral polyp, as detailed in the 'live lesson' and took part in a Q&A. This project was alongside children from all over the world. 

The live link was with expert Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop from EncounterEdu. We were delighted that Edgbaston High School was the first school to have a ‘shout-out’ from Jamie and the first school to have questions answered.

The questions asked by Year 5 EHS girls included, amongst others:

  • Can you tell how old coral is?  If so how?
  • Do shops sell coral for decoration?
  • How do corals breathe?

Jamie thought the girls had asked great questions and took lots of time to give full detailed answers.  This was an excellent opportunity to link with experts in marine biology and to further the girls’ general knowledge.


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