Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Prep

Westbourne | Preparatory

25 September 2020

News from Prep

With our third full week completed school feels well under way.  This is clear when a visit to the playground shows groups of girls chatting to each other, inventing imaginative games, running around, using their playground toys and, the best of all, looking happy to be with friends.

We marked World Gratitude Day this week by highlighting what we have to be thankful for and I know, for the girls, friends play a large part in this feeling.  Reflecting on all the good things that happen in our day, no matter how small, has a positive effect on our whole well-being, even helping us to sleep better.   Girls have been encouraged to do this with families in the evening so parents should not be surprised if the girls ask them how their day has been.

We will be holding our Harvest Assembly soon and this is another good focus for being grateful for what we have.  We have ask that girls start bringing dried, packet or tinned contributions for our collection from next week.

Girls of all ages enjoy being outside during lessons and the Reception girls this week spent time in our Outdoor Classroom in the lovely sunshine.  They helped to collect the leaves using the rakes and had the freedom of climbing the trees which they loved. 

Inside the classroom they have also been learning about quantity and numbers this week.  They wrote out numbers and drew the corresponding amount next to them.   The girls enjoy using their own whiteboards as consolidation work.  

In Nursery they have been singing the jolly ‘s’ song and have looked for items beginning with ‘s’.  They had great fun and were very successful in identifying many objects successfully.

In our Celebration Assembly on Friday we congratulated our Year 1 and 2 girls on their Well Done awards.  There were also congratulations for Ariana in Year 5.  She was presented with a Headteacher’s Certificate for the fantastic poem she wrote.  The poem, based on small and happy things highlighted many of the things she is grateful for and was most appropriate in a week focused on gratitude.  Esme, our Head Girl is also to be congratulated on her presentation to parents at our recent Virtual Open Day.

We now look forward to some of our favourite charity events of the year which are fast approaching in the weeks ahead and for parents, our EHSPA is busy planning a ‘Quiz’ night so save the date – 16 October.

Mrs Sally Hartley

Head of Preparatory School

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