Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
A Brilliant Half Term for the Lifesavers
18 February 2022
With almost 60 participants, Lifesaving Club is one of the most popular clubs in Senior School with training sessions taking place after school.
Each week, Sixth Formers Georgina Day and Marie-Eve Kavanagh spend their Wednesday afternoon enrichment sessions learning how to teach swimming and they are pictured here having fun in the pool with girls in Year 2. Both girls are our lifeguards and assistant lifesaving instructors.
In addition, Isabelle Jones, Marianne Kail, Diya Hanji, Georgina Day and Charlotte Meek have worked hard all term, gaining numerous certificates!
It’s been a fantastic couple of months for the lifesaving team and we look forward to getting back to training after the half term holiday.

Brilliant Term for Lifesavers
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