Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Join the Big Battery Hunt


02 February 2018

The Preparatory School’s Eco group will be participating in the Duracell Big Battery Hunt, a challenge to collect and recycle as many used batteries as possible.

Since the start of the challenge in December, we have had over 1,400 used batteries brought into school for recycling. Our aim is to collect over 2500 batteries by Easter and send them for recycling. This will ensure they are disposed of safely and the metals inside can be reused for multiple purposes. The recovered cadmium will be used in new batteries.

Once the Easter deadline has passed we will tally the number of batteries collected and send off our data to Duracell where we will compete against other schools around the country to win prizes. Within Prep, we will give prizes to the individual and the class who collect the most used batteries.

Please help us raise awareness of this important recycling scheme by encouraging battery recycling at home and at work. We look forward to receiving all your used batteries in the months and years ahead.

If your daughter is in Senior School, she can place her used batteries in the green bucket located in the ante-hall while those in Westbourne can place them in the secure bucket located in the Westbourne entrance hall.

Mrs Claire Eveleigh
Prep Science Co-ordinator

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