Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Horrible Historians Make a Scene

Senior School

04 February 2022

At the end of last term, Year 12 Historians Abigail and Polly came up with the idea of launching a Horrible Histories competition. Open to all year groups, the brief was to recreate a favourite scene from the BBC’s popular series Horrible Histories and Miss Glover, Abigail and Polly were delighted to receive some very creative video entries. 

A group of pupils in Year 9 pupils chose to recreate Horrible Histories' infamous 'Boudica' song. In the scene, British Queen Boudica is played by Martha Howe-Douglas, who coincidentally, is an EHS Old Girl! In recent years Martha returned to EHS to give a talk at an Old Girls' Association event.

Combined with a catchy, singalong soundtrack, the winning entry employed a full and impressive range of props to dazzling effect, featuring a very cute infant  - and a chicken.


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