Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
History Comes To Life for Year 8
21 May 2021
This term, Year 8 has been learning all about the Transatlantic Slave Trade. To conclude the topic, the girls carried out some active learning and recreated the ‘tea salons’ of the 18th century. The salons were important places for the exchange of ideas and where intellectuals, politicians, thinkers and influencers would gather in order to debate and discuss the issues of the day.
The focus of the exercise was to explore who were the key individuals who campaigned for the abolition of the slave trade – a law which was finally passed in 1807. To help the girls internalise their learning, they were split into groups and tasked with researching the arguments for and against as well as learn about one key individual who campaigned for abolition. The groups then came back together and we role-played their campaign with the rest of the form.
The girls really enjoyed researching and ‘acting out’ their parts and by learning actively consolidated their knowledge whilst at the same time had lots of fun!

History Tea Salons
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