Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Happy Birthday to EHS!
Westbourne | Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form | Parents
26 January 2018
On Wednesday 24 January, EHS reached a milestone in its history: 142 years since the School was founded by George Dixon and other distinguished local families.
To celebrate the occasion, we held our traditional whole school assembly in the Octagon. This being the Year of the Woman, and one hundred years since women were given the right to vote, we thought it particularly apt to focus on prominent women in history - the pioneers, the feminists, the trailblazers - and their enduring characteristics, ones that we as a school value highly and endeavour to instil in our pupils.
We highlighted the characteristics of Kindness, Strength and Friendship, presented to the girls as birthday gifts. Throughout the assembly a series of ‘birthday boxes’ containing balloons spelling out the three words were unwrapped by the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girls in Prep, with assistance from the Senior School’s leadership team.
Girls from all departments in school, from Westbourne to Sixth Form, gave a performance of songs that summed up these characteristics. To demonstrate Kindness, girls from Westbourne - Year 3 sang ‘Stand Next to Me', an uplifting song which was also very energetic with its well-choreographed movements. Years 4 - 6 sang ‘Oh what a wonderful day’ to express Strength - this song really showed the singing talent we have in the Preparatory School. Finally, with a reprise from last year’s sensational production, ‘The Lion King' to illustrate Friendship and togetherness the Senior choir joined all of Year 7 to sing ‘Hakuna Matata’ and were joined by three characters from the Lion King who danced and certainly helped bring the song to vivid life! Well done to all year groups who have worked very hard in preparing these special performances.
The birthday celebration culminated with the unwrapping of a final box containing a Happy Birthday balloon followed by the singing of ‘Happy Birthday EHS’ and a rousing rendition of the school song. Thank you to all our pupils, parents and staff who make this school such a wonderful place and we look forward to celebrating many more birthdays!

Happy Birthday, EHS!
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