Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Girls in Red

Senior School | Sixth Form

26 March 2021

Last Friday, Year 13 wore red clothing in support of victims of sexual abuse, harassment and coercion. These areas have been brought to light in the media recently following the news of Sarah Everard’s death. There has been much reflection amongst students and we held a special assembly this week to raise awareness and encourage a conversation around the issues.

Sixth Form student Zoya, came up with the idea for Year 13 to wear red for the day. Talking about why she thought is was important to make a statement, she said: ‘The colour red symbolises strength and power. By wearing this colour, awareness was raised and many useful discussions took place. In our PSHEE sessions, we have also been discussing ways in which we can protect ourselves and feel safe, if ever in a compromising situation. This focus on change and supporting each other, allowed people to discuss the recent events in a positive environment. Whilst we cannot end sexual abuse, harassment and violence overnight, having these conversations and letting others know that we are there for them, is definitely a start.’


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