Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Futures: Insights into Mental Health Nursing

Senior School | Sixth Form

17 May 2024

Senior School pupils enjoyed an insight into the medical field when former pupil, Ellen Hahn, returned to share her journey into becoming a Mental Health Nurse. 
Having left EHS in 2016 at the end of Year 13, Ellen completed a university degree followed by a master's degree. During her talk, Ellen shed light on life working in hospitals and in the community, highlighting the diverse range of individuals she encounters in her work as one of its most fascinating aspects.

Ellen offered valuable advice, urging students to broaden their horizons through travel if they could, and differentiate themselves by seeking diverse work experiences. She said: “To help stand out from the crowd when applying to university or jobs, seek work experience in a variety of places. I worked in a care home, which helped with my self-confidence. I also volunteered for the Samaritans call centre which really helped to prepare me for the job I am in now.” 

Our lunchtime ‘Futures’ careers sessions provide students with practical insights into a range of careers through talks delivered by visiting professionals, many of whom are EHS alumnae. These sessions aim to showcase the array of career opportunities available and offer a glimpse into a typical day in a given role within a profession, as well as different pathways into the sector.

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