Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Families Day in Nursery


24 May 2024

On Wednesday 15 May, Nursery celebrated International Day of Families. Nursery girls were excited to welcome their parents, grandparents and other members of their families to join them for the afternoon in school.

In preparation for an activity in the afternoon, the girls baked some cakes in the morning. They took turns to weigh and mix the ingredients and were impressed with the finished result! The girls enjoyed decorating (and eating) the cakes with their families, and each other, in the afternoon.

There were several turn-taking games available for everyone to play together. The girls also drew pictures of their families and named all their family members. To fit in with our number work, the girls had to write the number that is on their front door.

Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to meet up, chat with each other and staff and spend time as a family.

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