Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
EHS Talks: Dr Zania Stamataki
04 February 2022
We are delighted to announce Dr Zania Stamataki as the next speaker in our popular ‘EHS Talks’ lecture series.
Dr Zania Stamataki, a Professor in Viral Immunology at the University of Birmingham, will talk to students about her work in the fields of immunology and immunotherapy, and the work she has been doing to help combat the pandemic. She will give invaluable practical advice to students who might themselves be considering a career in the field of medicine.
EHS Talks take place each half term and are aimed at broadening horizons and introducing our students to a wide range of ideas, issues, possible career options and experiences. Former EHS Talks have featured Greenpeace activists, artists, medical and political leaders, as well as household names such as journalist Kate Adie.
The talk from Dr Stamataki will take place later this term, exact date to be confirmed. As usual, we hope to offer parents and guests the opportunity to attend and will
provide details nearer the time. For further information about this event please contact Mr Smith